Carpool Times and Locations
Carpool Protocol
You must have your carpool card displayed on your driver-side dashboard
Children are only allowed into cars where the carpool card is visible
You may make copies of your carpool card
If you do not have your carpool card then you will be asked for proper identification
It is recommended that the same person conduct pick-up and drop-off of the campers on a daily basis
If the person conducting camper pick-up in the afternoon is not a listed parent or guardian, please inform the Camp Office in writing
All non-campers must stay in their vehicle. Camp staff will assist campers out of vehicles and to program locations
Campers arriving after 8:45 am must be dropped off at the Summer at Park Welcome Center (255 Goddard Ave)
Drop-off/Pick-up Times & Locations
Morning Drop-off: 8:15 – 8:45 am (see drop-off locations locations)
Afternoon Pick-up: 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm (see pick-up locations below)
Any carpool change requests must be received via email or phone to the Summer at Park Office. Due to safety reasons all early pick-ups must be arranged with the Summer at Park Office so we can make a safe and proper transition.
If you have to drop-off or pick-up campers from multiple carpool locations, please conduct your drop-offs and pick-ups in numerical order of carpool location to ensure the smoothest carpool experience for everyone.
Carpool Location #1 - 171 Goddard Ave, Lower Parking Lot
Advanced Soccer (Boys)
Advanced Soccer (Girls)
Art & Architecture
Books that Cook
Counselors in Training
Daytrippers Xtreme
Flag Football
Field Hockey
Good Sports
Grass Volleyball
India's Artful Harvest
Junior Explorers
Junior Journalist
Junior Scientist
LEGO/K'Nex Camps
Science of Life
Senior Explorers
Sew and Tell
Soccer K-6
The Challenge
World Full of Wonderful
Carpool Location #2 - 255 Goddard Ave, PreK Building
Advanced Soccer Boys & Girls
(Week A only)
Soccer K-6
(Week A only)
Jiu Jitsu​
Smaller Ballers
The Art Party
The Lily Pad
AM Extended Day
PM Extended Day

Carpool Safety
For safety reasons, please adhere to signage and staff for entering/exiting the campus.
Drop-off and pick-up ONLY at designated carpool areas where staff are present.
Please stay outside of our Safe Zones at carpool locations.
Campers must check-in and check-out with their counselors each morning and afternoon before joining their camp or departing campus for the day.
For safety reasons, do not pick up your child unless they have been formally released by their staff member.