Important Information
Summer at Park strives to provide a stress-free process of preparing and registering for summer camp. This page will help you navigate your pre-camp process and prepare you for a wonderful summer.​

Registration for returning families opens on Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 at 12:00PM.
Registration for New families opens on Monday, December 9th, 2024 at 12:00PM.
Registration is ongoing and handled on a first-come, first-serve basis until program reaches capacity.
Program registration closes the Monday before the program begins.
We always do our best to accommodate friend requests, but do not guarantee all requests will be honored.
We make every effort to accommodate adjustments in camper enrollment.
All requests for adjustments must be communicated in writing to Adjustments are made based on availability.
Accepted payment methods include Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Check, or Cash.
Unfortunately we do not accept American Express.​
If you would like to pay via Check or Cash, please contact the Summer at Park Office.
$250 per session (two week sessions) per child deposit is due at the time of registration. One week programs require a $150 deposit.​
Installment payments are available. Information is available during registration or you can reach out to
This deposit is non-refundable.​
Full payment is due by May 1, 2025. For any registrations after May 1, full payment must accompany registration.​
​You may cancel your camper’s registration up until May 1 by emailing and any fees paid, (less deposit) will be returned.
Any changes to a campers registration after May 1 will result in a complete forfeit of fees.
Summer Discounts
A single camper who spends the full 8 weeks with us will receive a 5% discount.
When two or more campers from the same family spend a minimum of twelve weeks with us this summer, the camper with the highest tuition pays full price and each additional sibling receives a 5% discount.
All discounts are applied after registration is complete
Medical Information
All medical forms must be in English.
A physician’s exam report within the last 12 months and current vaccination record is required for your child to attend camp. You can find a sample on our Health and Safety Page. This sample may be used as a template or simply as a reference.
If your child will need to take medication at camp, please fill out the relevant forms, which can be found on our Health and Safety Page. These may include:
Food allergy and anaphylaxis emergency care plan
Asthma action plan
Diabetes action plan
Seizure action plan.
If your child needs medication at camp, our nurse must receive the medication, along with all relevant forms before your child begins camp. Please make every effort to drop off any medication the Monday before your camp begins, i.e. if camp begins June 27, the medication should be dropped off on or before June 21.​
The camp nurse is only able to administer the following over-the-counter medications:
Topicals (like Hydrocortisone)
Antibacterial ointment (like bacitracin)
In order for the nurse to administer any other medication, either over-the-counter or prescribed, a doctor’s order form is required (a sample form can be found on our Health and Safety Page). All medication should come in the original pharmacy container.
Financial Assistance
Summer at Park strives to make programs accessible to as many children as possible. Each year a limited amount of confidential assistance is provided to families in need to cover a portion of registration fees. To apply, please follow these steps:
Register online and pay the deposit to reserve your camper's place in their program(s) of choice.
Submit the following documents by email or mail to the Summer at Park office.
Completed Financial Assistance Application
Season Account Statement (available in your Summer at Park Camper Portal)
One of the following income verifications:
Federal Income Tax filing for previous year
Two months of paycheck stubs
Current statement of award or benefits for TANF, SSI, or other public assistance
Two most recent unemployment check stubs
Two months of bank statements
If you feel that you have extenuating circumstances not evidenced by the above information, you may submit a statement explaining your current situation.
Once you have submitted the Financial Assistance Application, a Summer at Park staff member will follow up with you to determine the amount of assistance that is available. If the amount of assistance offered is not adequate to meet your needs, you will have the option to cancel your child's enrollment at that time and receive a refund for your deposit.
Failure to submit the completed Financial Assistance Application, the Season Account Statement, and 2 forms of income verification may result in a delay in your application being reviewed or worse yet, denied​.
Application reviews begin in late January and will continue until all Financial Assistance funds have been distributed.
Please be aware that we do not keep applications from prior years. As such, you must re-apply for financial assistance each year. While you may have received financial assistance previously, that does not automatically ensure that you will receive an award this year.