Campers, prepare to escape reality during this time-traveling Robotics and LEGO summer program! Design and guide your Robotic Dino-Cart throughout the Jurassic Map to find shelter. You better hurry, because the King-Rex is ready to track your group down and turn your hard earned Lizard Tokens into lunch!
During this high-energy and adventurous program, participants will learn to code their robots to recreate the migration patterns of Dinosaurs. Groups of campers (junior Paleontologists) work together in small teams, and will build motorized pulley systems, bridges, and specialized tools to successfully navigate the prehistoric landscape! So get ready to transport from the comforts of your own engineering room, to the misty murky land of the Terrible Lizards who once ruled the Planet. This camp is the perfect blend of creativity, fun and STEM...all in one!
Jurassic Bot and LEGO Adventure
Dates Fees Availability 7/21 - 8/1 $1760.00 This program is ran in partnership with Drobot Company.